How do legislative changes affect exploration in Chile? The seminar will analyze the impact of these changes in the industry

The hybrid meeting, which will take place on August 18, is organized by CESCO and Chile Explore and will bring together experts in the field.

The modifications to the Mining Code introduced in February 2022 by the previous administration in the framework of the Universal Guaranteed Pension project, besides the discussion around the capture by the State of the surpluses generated by mining activity and its tax regime, have caused great debate about its scope in terms of exploration and development of the industry.

To gauge the impact of these changes, the Center for Copper and Mining Studies (CESCO) and Chile Explore Group have organized a hybrid seminar called “Modification of legislation on exploration and mining in Chile.” It will take place on August 18 from 09:00 am at the Hotel Cumbres Vitacura (Av. Presidente Kennedy 4422, Vitacura).

Renowned specialists will participate in this activity, such as the lawyers María Paz Pulgar and María Luisa Baltra; and attorneys Jerónimo Carcelén, Cristian Quinzio, Rafael Vergara, Rony Zimerman, Daniel Weinstein, Pedro Lyon, and Marcelo Olivares.

This seminar is sponsored by Anglo American, Collahuasi and SQM.

More information.